Kerry Walsh
Founding Principal
LISTENING IS A SKILL Kerry has sharpened to a fine point during his 40-plus years in branding and communications design. So is watching. Kerry observes human nature intently, gauges behaviors and in so doing produces work that just happens to be what people want, right where they want it. Patience, wisdom and an insatiable willingness to learn enable Kerry Walsh to orchestrate the kind of branding that brings people together.
Kerry has been a champion of all things Tulsa. Stroll around town and you’ll find Walsh Branding work on our municipal districts, parks, airports, museums, events and charities. While he’s worked with a lengthy list of clients in categories from fast food to oil and gas and from the national stage to regional, Kerry has always had time for things in the neighborhood as well. Today, Tulsa is booming. And Kerry is smiling.
Kerry’s work has been recognized by: Print magazine, Communication Arts magazine, the Type Directors Club of New York; the Art Directors Clubs of New York, Los Angeles, Dallas, Kansas City and Tulsa; the American Advertising Federation of Tulsa; the International Association of Business Communicators; and the Public Relations Society of America. Kerry was also one of only 50 U.S. graphic designers invited to participate in the book series World Graphic Design, published by the respected Japanese Firm, Kodansha, Ltd.